Category: General Tips

General Tips

Core Tools to Know: curl

'curl'-y pig's tailAs all bloggers eventually find out, two of the best reasons to write blog posts are either to document something for yourself for later or to force yourself to learn something well enough to explain it to others. That’s the impetus of this series that I plan on doing from time to time. I want to get more familiar with some of these core tools and also have a reference / resource available that is in “Pete Think” so I can quickly find what I need to use these tools if I forget.

The first tool I want to tackle is curl. In the world of command-line tools, curl shines as a flexible utility for transferring data over various network protocols. Whether you’re working on the development side, the network admin side, or the security side, learning how to use curl effectively can be incredibly beneficial. This blog post will guide you through the very basics of curl, cover some common use cases, and explain when curl might be a better choice than wget.

What is curl

curl (Client for URL) is a command-line tool for transferring data with URLs. It supports a wide range of protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SCP, TELNET, LDAP, IMAP, SMB, and many more. curl is known for its flexibility and is widely used for interacting with APIs, downloading files, and testing network connections.

Installing curl

Before diving into curl commands, you need to ensure it is installed on your system. Lots of operating systems come with it. In fact, even Windows has shipped with curl in Windows 10 and 11.

For Linux:

sudo apt-get install curl  # Debian/Ubuntu
sudo yum install curl      # CentOS/RHEL

For macOS:

brew install curl

For Windows
You can download the installer from the official curl website if it isn’t already on your system. To check, just type curl –help at the command prompt and see if it understand the command. If you get something back like this, you’re all set.

C:\Users\peteonsoftware>curl --help
Usage: curl [options...] <url>
 -d, --data <data>           HTTP POST data
 -f, --fail                  Fail fast with no output on HTTP errors
 -h, --help <category>       Get help for commands
 -i, --include               Include response headers in output
 -o, --output <file>         Write to file instead of stdout
 -O, --remote-name           Write output to file named as remote file
 -s, --silent                Silent mode
 -T, --upload-file <file>    Transfer local FILE to destination
 -u, --user <user:password>  Server user and password
 -A, --user-agent <name>     Send User-Agent <name> to server
 -v, --verbose               Make the operation more talkative
 -V, --version               Show version number and quit

This is not the full help, this menu is stripped into categories.
Use "--help category" to get an overview of all categories.
For all options use the manual or "--help all".

The Most Simple Example

The simplest way to use curl is to fetch the contents of a URL. Here is a basic example that will will print the HTML content of the specified URL to the terminal:

λ curl
<!doctype html>
<html data-adblockkey="MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBANDrp2lz7AOmADaN8tA50LsWcjLFyQFcb/P2Txc58oYOeILb3vBw7J6f4pamkAQVSQuqYsKx3YzdUHCvbVZvFUsCAwEAAQ==_M6heeSY2n3p1IRsqfcIljkNrgqYXDBDFSWeybupIpyihjfHMZhFu8kniDL51hLxUnYHjgmcv2EYUtXfRDcRWZQ==" lang="en" style="background: #2B2B2B;">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="icon" href="">
    <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin>
<div id="target" style="opacity: 0"></div>
<script>window.park = "eyJ1dWlkIjoiZDFhODUxY2ItOTUyZi00NGUyLTg4ZWMtMmU3ZGNhZmE1OTk0IiwicGFnZV90aW1lIjoxNzIwNzMyMzQxLCJwYWdlX3VybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaG9zdGh0bWwubGl2ZS8iLCJwYWdlX21ldGhvZCI6IkdFVCIsInBhZ2VfcmVxdWVzdCI6e30sInBhZ2VfaGVhZGVycyI6e30sImhvc3QiOiJob3N0aHRtbC5saXZlIiwiaXAiOiI3Mi4xMDQuMTY5LjE1NCJ9Cg==";</script>
<script src="/bwjblpHBR.js"></script>

Some Useful Examples to Actually Do Stuff

Downloading Files

# To download a file and save it with a specific name:
curl -o curlypigtail.jpg

# If you want to save the file with the same name as in the URL:
curl -O

Sending HTTP Requests

# GET requests are used to retrieve data from a server. The basic example is already shown above. 
# To include headers in the output, use the -i option:
curl -i

# POST requests are used to send data to a server. 
# This is particularly useful when interacting with APIs. 
curl -X POST -d "param1=value1&param2=value2"

# Many APIs now accept JSON.  This is how you'd send that
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}'

# Without explaining it, we included a header above (-H).  That added a Content-Type header.  
# To add an Auth header, you might do something like this
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer token"


# To save cookies from a response
curl -c cookies.txt

# To send cookies with a request
curl -b cookies.txt

When to Use curl Over wget

While both curl and wget are used to transfer data over the internet, they have different strengths. Daniel Stenberg is the creator of curl (and also contributes to wget) and he’s published a more lengthy comparison here. I defer to the expert, but here are some of my big takeaways.

curl Advantages

  • Flexibility: curl supports a wider range of protocols (like SCP, SFTP) and provides more options for customizing requests.
  • Availability: curl comes preinstalled on macOS and Windows 10/11. wget doesn’t.
  • Pipelining: curl can be used to chain multiple requests together, making it powerful for scripting complex interactions.
  • Reuse: curl is a library (libcurl), while wget is just a command line tool.

wget Advantages

  • Recursive Downloads: wget can download entire websites recursively, making it ideal for mirroring sites.
  • Simplicity: For simple downloading tasks, wget might be more straightforward and easier to use.

curl is a versatile tool that – once mastered – can simplify many network-related tasks. From downloading files to interacting with APIs, curl provides the flexibility and functionality needed for a wide range of applications. While wget has its strengths, particularly for simple downloads and recursive website copying, curl shines in its versatility and extensive options for customizing requests.

General Tips

Think Outside the Box

Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast Logo
I was listening to episode 682 of the Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast, where John Lee Dumas was interviewing Shane Snow. Shane has written a book called Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success. An abbreviated description from Amazon reads:

Entrepreneur and journalist Shane Snow analyzes the lives of people and companies that do incredible things in implausibly short time… One way or another, they do it like computer hackers. They employ what psychologists call “lateral thinking” to rethink convention and break “rules” that aren’t rules.

Shane Snow
During the show, Shane gave a small story to illustrate the general idea of the kind of lateral thinking that he is espousing.

Pretend that you are driving a car on a rainy night and you’re kind of in the middle of nowhere and windshield wipers are going like crazy and you see on the side of the road three people that are standing out there miserable in the rain. You slow down and the first one you notice is a friend of yours that saved your life one time. Next to him is a little old lady with a cane who definitely can’t make it back to town on her own. And next to them is the man or woman of your dreams and this is your only shot to ever meet them. You only have one seat in your car (meaning a car with a total of two seats), who do you pick up?

John Lee Dumas suggested that he would pick up the little old lady. That is just the “military man” in him. Shane’s point was that lateral thinking “hacks” the question and finds the answer by thinking outside the box. In Shane’s solution, you give the seat to the old lady, give your keys to your friend, and stay with the love of your life.

I love that illustration. Yes, it is contrived, but it is a perfect word picture of how creative problem solvers think. The problem that most people have with the problem is that they make assumptions. In this case, you’ve assumed that you must stay with your car and that you must only save one of the three people in distress. Lateral thinking throws out those assumptions and looks for a way for “everyone to win”. In real life, 100% satisfaction certainly isn’t always possible, but you will get a lot closer by throwing out assumptions and “hacking the question”.

Great reminder for the day.

General Tips

We have a lot of great content to show you

This is definitely one of those blog posts that will serve as a reminder to me when I forget the answers in the future.

I’m using Visual Studio 2013, when I noticed a message under the Product Videos header that said, “We have a lot of great content to show you, but we need your permission to keep it updated”.

We have a lot of great content to show you, but we need your permission to keep it updated

I am the kind of person who enjoys knowing what is going on and staying current and I think everyone knows that Microsoft really seems to care about developers. As such, they put out a lot of amazing content through their channels and partner channels. I wanted in on this gig. So, I did some digging and to “give permission”, I needed to go to the Tools menu and select Options.

Visual Studio 2013 Tools .. Options

Then, from the dialog box that popped up, I select Startup on the left and then put a checkmark in the box next to “Download content every:”. I left it at the default of 60 minutes and clicked OK.

Visual Studio 2013 Options .. Startup .. Download Every

My startup screen then immediately refreshed and now I have a list of videos that I can check out.

Visual Studio 2013 Product Videos Shown